A woman has maligned all of the unwelcome attention she gets because of her large breasts.
As reported by The Sun, TikTok user Alissa said she was weary of the stares and the rude comments she has had to put up with on account of her naturally large chest.
But her followers wrote in the comments that she should be proud of her body, and shouldn’t feel like she has to hide her chest away.
“Me: having naturally big boobs,” she captioned her clip, which attracted thousands of likes.
“My life be like ha ha.”
Alissa then listed some of the unwanted attention she gets.
“Aww you poor thing, your back must hurt” was one typical comment she’s had to put up with. Even more were flat-chested women demanding that she give them some.
Then there was this tiresome observation: “Nice t*ts ma.”
Finally, the looks she attracted on account of her chest size from “random men” – something she’s unfortunately learned to expect.
But comments on her video encouraged Alissa to be confident.
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“Nothing better than natural,” one user wrote.
“They’re awesome,” said another. “Be proud!”
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission