Granblue Fantasy Relink is an upcoming action RPG from Cygames and was a part of the PlayStation Showcase 2023. However, some wonder if this latest Granblue game will have a multiplayer capacity, as it features characters fighting massive monsters. Fortunately for many, the game will feature online multiplayer and crossplay.
The game, for several years, is finally coming to life this winter and will bring players familiar with the franchise a great deal of exciting gameplay. Here’s what to look forward to in Granblue Fantasy Relink.
Granblue Fantasy Relink confirms crossplay and more
Arriving in the winter of 2023, Granblue Fantasy Relink is an action RPG from Cygames set in the Zegagrande Skydom region of the Granblue universe. In this upcoming title, players will play as one of a wide range of characters, battling powerful monsters.
There are at least 16 characters confirmed for the game, with the PlayStation Showcase featuring two new ones, Zeta and Vaseraga. The upcoming title will feature multiplayer in the form of a four-player online co-op. However, local multiplayer doesn’t appear to be supported.
Players who choose to play the RPG title offline will have three NPCs to aid them during fights. The game also boasts rich visuals that loyal players of the Granblue series might be familiar with.
It has also been confirmed that the game will feature cross-play between all supported platforms. As of this writing, it can only be played on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows PC.
While there’s no word about whether it will come to Xbox or Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and PC gamers can take heart knowing that the title will have complete cross-play support. As a team-based game, players must change their strategies since each enemy has its own abilities and tactics.
Unfortunately, there is no confirmed release date for the upcoming action RPG, although it is expected to release this winter.
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