After King George V died, Edward did his duty and acted as interim king from January to December of 1936, though he was never formally coronated. According to History, during his brief stint at the helm, he tried to get parliament and the Prime Minister to allow him to marry Wallis Simpson, but with her previous divorces in an era when divorce was less socially acceptable, it just wasn't going to fly for a king.
On December 11, 1936, he addressed the nation via radio to tell them he was abdicating the throne because he couldn't do the job without the woman he loved by his side. According to History, he said, "I have found it impossible to carry on the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge the duties of king, as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love." The next day Edward's younger brother, Prince Albert, the Duke of York, was named King George VI and coronated in May 1937, per History.
King George VI had two daughters with his wife, Elizabeth. Those girls were Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. As Princess Elizabeth was the older of the two, she was heir to the throne. Queen Elizabeth II took the throne on Feb. 6, 1952 and was coronated on June 2, 1953. In 2015 she became the longest-ruling British monarch in history, per The History Press.