Who's better: Daniel Bryan or CM Punk?

This is the kind of thread that makes me question the average age of people that post on this site. Now ive been watching wrestling for a VERY long time and ive seen many greats start their careers and retire. So it just baffles me that anybody that has watched guys such as Savage, Piper, Flair, Austin, Rock, Hogan would EVER say that DB is even in the same league as Punk. I really just dont get it. Punk is better than DB at almost EVERY aspect of being a wrestler. DB has him in the ring, I give him that, but the gap isn't nearly big enough to cover up the huge difference in charisma, ability to control and carry a feud, and mic skills.

IMO Its crazy that people are actually saying DB is better, and this is coming from a DB fan. DB has never even lead a Feud EVER!!! DB maybe the champ and gets great crowd reactions BUT to say a guy that has never carried a feud is better than Punk is asinine. Bray Wyatt, who is much younger and has less experience than DB, had to carry DB through a feud...HHH has been carrying DB for like 9 months, Cena carried him, Punk carried him....SERIOUSLY, AM I THE ONLY PERSON THAT NOTICED THIS???

Punk is one of the most well balanced all around wrestlers OF ALL TIME, comparable to guys like Jericho and Savage. DB on the other hand, is rather one dimensional, he's great in the ring BUT every promo he cuts is exactly the same, his only true feud where he was KINDA trying to take the lead (with Orton) was one of the worst feuds of the last decade. Outside of the Ryback feud, all Punks feuds have been GOLD. Punk vs Jericho, Cena, Taker, Orton, and Jeff Hardy are ALL better than anything DB has ever done outside of actually wrestling a match.

PUNK wins by a mile and its not even close...
