What is 'Thru' in golf? Explaining terminology from Aditi Ashok's Olympic event

Aditi Ashok is in contention to win an unlikely medal for India at the Olympics 2021. She has been at the top of her golfing prowess for the last 3 days and is continuing her good form during Round 4 of the competition.

Golf is a sport that has some distinct terminology and rules. In this article we take a look at some words that are commonly used in the sport.

What is 'Thru' in golf and the Olympics?

Thru is a term used to tell the holes completed by a single golfer, and the current hole on which they are competing. For example, if a golfer is Thru 10 holes, it means they have completed stroking the ball in 10 holes in the round and are currently playing over the 11th hole.

Apart from this, the rules of golf are pretty simple. Golfers compete on an 18-hole golf course over four rounds of competition. This effectively means that the event has four times 18, i.e. 72 holes.

Each hole is assigned a number of strokes that it is likely to be completed in, depending on its degree of difficulty and distance from the tee (starting point) to the hole. Usually a par score for a hole varies between three and five shots. A player who finds the hole in the set number of strokes is said to have achieved par.

If a player finishes the hole in a lower number of shots, they are said to be under par. If it takes them more shots than the set number, they are over par.

At the end of the contest, the golfer who completes the 72-hole course in the least number of shots wins.

Aditi Ashok's performance

Aditi Ashok has been on the leaderboard since the beginning of the competition. She scored 67, 66 and 68 in her three rounds. This led to a cumulative score of 12-under after 3 rounds.

If she hangs on to this lead during the last round of the competition, she could seal a historic moment for India with a first ever Olympic medal in golf.

Also read - India at Olympics 2021

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