Von Maur Mall Shooting, Eight people were killed


Von Maur Mall Shooting – On December 5th, the date that marks the 15th anniversary of the massacre, a shooter opened fire inside the Von Maur department store, which is located within the Westroads Mall in Omaha. The shooting occurred on the same day. Omaha is the location of the Von Maur department store for that matter.

An unfortunate number of eight people lost their lives as a direct consequence of the catastrophe. In the end, the suspect turned the gun on himself and shot himself in the head after having previously shot eleven other people. Immediately following the conclusion of the study, this incidence finally took place. A video of an interview with a person who survived the shooting that took place at Von Maur can be found at the very top of this story.

The interview was conducted by KETV NewsWatch 7 and features the individual who survived the shooting. It was decided to conduct the interview in order to mark the tenth anniversary of the disaster, which was approaching at the time. Facebook was used to gather information regarding the content in question, and this information was gathered through the use of Facebook.

You may be able to access the same information on their website; however, the content may be presented in a different fashion, or you may be able to locate extra information. It is possible that you will be able to obtain the same information. It was in 2017 when six members of the law enforcement community got together with the purpose of having a conversation about the sad events that took place at Von Maur. Having a conversation about the shootings was the purpose of their get-together.

