Twitter has a field day after spotting Adin Ross's sister hanging out with ZIAS

Adin Ross is yet another Twitch streamer who recently shot to fame after being involved in a lot of controversies. Fans soon started taking an interest in his personal life, just as they do with other celebrities, and his sister hanging out with YouTuber JustZik or ZIAS is their latest dose of gossip.

A recent TikTok clip of Adin Ross' sister hanging out with ZIAS went viral after the former shared it on her socials. The clip shot from inside ZIAS's house sent fans into a frenzy as they started jumping to conclusions. It didn't take them long to drag Adin into this latest piece of gossip.

As soon as the clip of Adin Ross's sister, Naomi, hanging out with ZIAS went viral, fans started sending it to the Twitch streamer just to get a reaction out of him. Unfortunately for them, Adin was least interested in the drama. However, this did not stop Twitter from having a field day watching the clip.

Adin Ross reacts to his sister hanging out with ZIAS

Two clips of Adin Ross have emerged after the Twitch streamer reacted to his sister's TikTok with ZIAS. In the first one, Adin couldn't be bothered at the least, and as soon as the video ended, all he had to say was, "that's crazy."

Following this, fans thought that Adin was just running away from the fact that his sister is close to ZIAS. Therefore, a fan bashed the Twitch streamer for being in denial and dared him to say "my sister is getting f****d," out loud, to prove that he has accepted it.

To his fans' surprise, it didn't take Adin even a second to repeat that statement with a straight face, showing how little he cares about the drama surrounding his sister.

When Adin Ross didn't give fans the juicy reaction they wanted, they just stuck to trolling him and his sister on Twitter for hanging out with ZIAS

Also read: Twitch streamer Adin Ross says he is having the "worst month of his life," leaves Twitter divided

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