With Scotland's schools set to welcome back pupils next week, we asked readers what they used to have for their 'play-piece' at school.
Scots took a trip down memory lane as they cast their minds back to the snacks mums would pack lunch boxes to be eagerly eaten at play time.
From apples and crisps to jam sandwiches and irn-bru, many former pupils have reminisced about food that was popular on the playground - and it turns out everyone was different.
We asked readers to share their play piece favourites which are bound to stir up nostalgic memories of the classroom.

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Lynne Edie revealed she called it a 'leaf piece' and said: "It was usually a bit home baking or homemade tablet. If we were really lucky we got 3p to spend on sweets".
Alan Bye said a local milkman would come to school and sell "biscuits and sweets, and best of all, hot pies".
He added: "You had to be quick to get a pie, he only had 3 dozen, and there were hundreds of us kids wanting one."
Meanwhile, Susan Blyth revealed what she and her friends would do with their snacks.
She said: "It was definitely a play piece. Me and four friends would all bring different flavour crisps.
"We would mix them all together on paper towels from the toilets and have a rare wee munch".

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Lesley Chappell shared a similar story and said: "Everyone swapped their play piece at play time, either piece and jam, bag of crisps, packet of sweets, carton of juice, bit of fruit or your milk from the classroom."
Sarah Bell shared her very nostalgic piece and said: "My play piece was a wagon wheel or Tunnocks Caramel Log.
"The Logs hit the shops the year I started school 1955 and I loved them."
Fiona Stewart said: "My play piece was a piece and jam.
"We lived right across from the school so my mum handed it to me fresh at playtime."
Helen Grieve agreed and said: "I lived a couple of hundred yards from school and in the winter my mum would bring me hot toast at playtime."
Mamie McCormick said: "My gran in the winter brought hot oxo in a flask and in summer the dairy shop across from the school sold in paper cake cups Irn-bu ice cubes, two for a halfpenny - that was 75 years ago".
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Elsewhere, Mairi Will told how her mum ensured she ate a healthy snack.
She said: "My mother believed in 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' so I got a MacIntosh Red apple every day.
"A soft red apple which she liked because she had false teeth! I hate them and would now eat a cooking apple before I'd eat one of them!"
Ronnie Lindsay said: "In winter we took cocoa powder, headmistress brought a big kettle of boiling water to cloakroom and left the big girls to pour."
Myra Campbell said she would have "Abernethy or digestive biscuits sandwiched with butter".