Samoa Joe ended the 400+ day title reign of MJF at AEW Worlds End.
The finish saw Samoa Joe lock MJF in the Coquina Clutch, and his arm fell three times, resulting in the submission victory and a title change.
Following the match, the Devil’s goons attack MJF and Adam Cole, but when one of the masked men is about to hit Cole with a chair, the lights go out. When they come back on, Cole is revealed as the devil, and the masked men are Roderick Strong, Wardlow, Mike Bennett, and Matt Taven.
The four men beatdown MJF and leave him laying to close the show.
AEW Worlds End results
Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:
Joe gets the advantage early on and fans chant “F*ck You Joe” at him. Joe attacks Max and goes for a Muscle Buster, but MJF breaks free. MJF goes for a quick pin, then Joe tries to kick him in the face but MJF gets another near fall. MJF puts his hands above his head, alluding to not being able to do that do to injury earlier in the week. Samoa Joe throws him over the ropes, then MJF tries to skin the cat but Joe dropkicks him onto the floor. Joe splashes him on the floor as Adam Cole shouts words of encouragement to Max.
Samoa Joe hits a dragon suplex in the ring, then follows with a straightjacket German suplex for two. Joe goes for a powerbomb on the apron, but MJF blocks it. Joe kicks him and hits a Muscle Buster on the apron, and Cole looks shocked. MJF gets a bit of offense in, then tries to lift him from the turnbuckles and collapses. Friedman goes into the opposite corner and stomps down on Joe’s arm. He then dives on him to send Joe to the apron. MJF hits the Heatseeker for two, then he goes for an armbar but Joe reverses it.
We get an inadvertent referee bump, and MJF sees it as an opportunity. He low blows Joe in the corner and hits an MJF-5, but the ref is out and can’t make the count. The ref finally comes to, but MJF only gets two. Cole hands MJF the Dynamite Diamond ring, but Joe runs over and tries to choke MJF out. He is successful, and the ref calls for the bell.
Adam Cole gets in the ring to console MJF as the crowd chants “bullshit” at the result. The Devil’s accomplices hit the ringside area and hold Cole while they attack MJF. Cole screams at the leader to hit him instead, and he winds up the chair as the lights go out!
The lights come back on… and Cole is sitting in the chair, with the masked men standing behind him! Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Wardlow reveal themselves as the rest of the group, and they take MJF apart as he sits in the chair and watches. Cole pulls the Devil mask out of his jacket and holds it up, then tosses it on MJF, who is laying in the ring as the show ends.
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What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave Worlds End with the AEW World Championship? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.