This week Zak Bagans, the Ghost Adventures team and rapper Post Malone head to Arizona and a former meatpacking plant that is now a haunted tourist attraction, but is there anything to it.
Zak explains that the building was previously used to kill and process millions of animals and says that blood was flowing through the building like a water facet that was never turned off. What does this have to do with the paranormal? Well Zak wonders what kind of entities or spirits that volume of blood and death might attract.

He also talks about how important animal sacrifice and rituals involving animals were to various groups and religions in the past and indeed even today.
Well multiple staff members claim to have been injured whilst working on the site, with one having mystery puncture wounds and another with scratches. The latter is something that many people appearing on Ghost Adventures claim to have suffered at the hands of seemingly paranormal forces.
During a walkthrough of the facility the owner chats to Zak about the history of the place and also gets a strange feeling, as if he’d in contact with a former staff member who sadly passed away.
The big question is what could still be lingering at the Slaughter House?
To answer this question Zak and Post Malone decide to take part in what proves to be a hair raising lockdown.
Ghost Adventures airs on Saturdays at 9:00 PM on Travel Channel.