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Randy Castillo's About
[β]Randy Castillo was born on December 18, 1950 (age 51) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. He is a Celebrity Drummer. Drummer who played with Ozzy Osbourne (Metal Singer) from the mid-1980s to 1990s and who also worked with Motley Crue. According to numerology, Randy Castillo's Life Path Number is 9. His genres are Heavy metal,hard rock,glam metal. You can find His website below: http://www.randycastillo.com/. More information on Randy Castillo can be found here. This article will clarify Randy Castillo's Funeral, Fiance, Last Picture, Cause Of Death, Drum Set, Peritus International, Songs, Motley Crue, Son, Drum Solo, and other information.

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[β]He grew up alongside four siblings, all of who grew up to be musicians.
Randy Castillo on Social Media
[β]Randy Castillo Before Fame
[β]Randy Castillo, born 12-18-1950, preceding his celebrity status in Drummer, he attended West Mesa High School where he played in the school jazz band. His first instrument was the trumpet, but he ended up liking drums more.
Success of Randy Castillo
[β]In Drummer professional career, he performed with Alice in Chains.
Associated with
[β]He has worked with Lita Ford (Guitarist). Ozzy Osbourne, Roger Taylor, Eric Carr, and John Bonham were also His acquaintances.

The Numerology of Randy Castillo
[β]Being a Life Path Number 9 means embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth and new experiences. Life Path Number 9 people like Randy Castillo are always searching for more: more experiences, more education, more deep talks, and the next adventure.
Randy Castillo's personal year in numerology
[β]Randy Castillo was born in 1950, that means in 2024, Randy Castillo has personal year number 2. Although the personal year number 2 does not have the same strength as the personal year number 1, the personal year number 2 is more inclined to peace of mind. Happiness is Randy Castillo's gift in this year.
Randy Castillo Net Worth
[β]Information about His net worth in 2024 is being updated as soon as possible by infofamouspeople.com, You can also click edit to tell us what the Net Worth of the Randy Castillo is