Porsha Williams told her fans and followers to vote like their lives depended on this move. Check out some of the reactions that the clip she dropped on social media triggered among fans.
‘VOTE Like your life depends on it !!!!’ Porsha captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘VOTE no matter what!! I was in line from 6:45am -12pm, but I did it! Stand up for something! Wait in line and be apart of Change! I was in line the day before and had to leave for a Dr appointment, so I came back the following morning to vote! Nothing will stop us … we will not let this go down on our watch !!! VOTE VOTE VOTE *I didn’t mail in because I don’t trust it!’
A commenter told Porsha: ‘Thank you for being an example yourself and showing the world that every vote matters. It doesn’t matter who you are,’ and one other follower posted this: ‘Amen to you for that commitment to CHANGE!! Georgia needs to get its act together! No American should ever stand in a line that long!’
Someone else said: ‘This doesn’t make any sense the government know Exactly what they are doing,’ and one other commenter posted this: ‘We need to mobilize right after this election and make sure that in four years this type of thing is not as bad as it is this time around. This is beyond ridiculous.’
One follower said: ‘Yes, Vote no matter what!!! No matter how long it takes, bring something to snack on. And stay safe 😷😷😷 up and Vote Vote.’
Someone else posted: ‘YESSSS. and please don’t be discouraged by the lines! Do your research most counties have multiple early voting sites with long hours and weekends! I went today in Decatur and it was a 10 min wait! VOTE and IN PERSON if you can!’
Just the other day, it’s been revealed that Porsha Williams was one of the celebrities that are trying to raise awareness about what is happening in Nigeria.
She continues to take to her fans and followers via her platform.