Here are some photos of Michael Shannon at the New York premiere of Nocturnal Animals. He’s so deliciously creepy-looking, isn’t he? That being said, I would hit it so hard. He’s incredibly sexy and very watchable. As we discussed before, Shannon has been doing press for his Oscar-bait films, and unfortunately for him, all of his interviews were scheduled for just after the election. Fortunately for us, Shannon has run out of f—ks to give, and he’s been giving a series of take-no-prisoners interviews in which he assesses the state of the country and the current political climate in obscene and glorious ways. Shannon was asked at this premiere whether he felt regret about his political statements and he said:
“Ah, yeah, and there’s nothing to lose by speaking out these days, really. Who really cares what I think or what I say anyway? I have absolutely no influence or power whatsoever. I’m not saying it makes me feel better, but why not?” Shannon added, “I’ve heard a lot of people saying, ‘Oh, we should give [Trump] a chance, it’s not that bad.’ And I’m like, ‘No, you’re wrong. Just look at the news. It is that bad.’”
I pretty much agree. I agreed with his interview on too. And he also spoke to Metro post-election and these quotes… he’s so biting and angry. I love it. Some highlights:
On Pres. Trump: “I’m on tenterhooks here. I have two young children. Basically this man is probably going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.”
He doesn’t think the protests will do much: “That’s the thing: These protests are so moving, but ultimately what are they going to accomplish? I’m so glad these kids on the campuses everywhere are going ape s—, but at the end of the day the guy’s still going to be president. Maybe you need a civil war or something.”
You can’t avoid talking about politics: “No, it’s unavoidable. It should be talked about constantly. It should be the only thing anyone talks about”
The wall: “The wall isn’t between the U.S. and Mexico; the wall is between people who voted for Trump and people who didn’t. And we’ve got to do something about it. I don’t want to live in a country where people voted for Trump. I want to live in some other f—ing country. But I don’t want to run away. So we’re just going to have to bust this thing up.
On older voters: “There’s a lot of old people who need to realize they’ve had a nice life, and it’s time for them to move on. Because they’re the ones who go out and vote for these a–holes. If you look at the young people, between 18 and 25, if it was up to them Hillary would have been president. No offense to the seniors out there. My mom’s a senior citizen. But if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn.
What to do if your parents voted for Trump: “F— ’em. You’re an orphan now. Don’t go home. Don’t go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Don’t talk to them at all. Silence speaks volumes. Thank god no one in my immediate family would ever remotely consider voting for Trump…That’s the tragic thing about Kentucky: There’s two cities in Kentucky that are filled with intelligent, vibrant people. And then there’s the rest of it. But my mom is a super cool and intelligent lady. She was a pollster; she was helping people vote. She told me about this old woman who walked in and needed help voting. My mom had to stand there and watch this woman vote for Trump. Then she turned around and said, “How do I make sure my vote gets counted? I want to make sure. I don’t want this conspiracy to happen.” Because that’s the ironic thing: On that day there were so many Trump voters who were saying, “I voted for Trump, but it doesn’t make a difference because they got it rigged anyway.” Yeah, they sure f—ing do, don’t they? F—in’ A, man.
“But if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn” – something very similar happened with the Brexit vote, didn’t it? The majority of young people came out and voted to Bremain, but the older people voted for Brexit, and people were like “this barely even affects you, you’re not even going to face the long-term consequences of this.” That’s the complaint Shannon is making rather brutally but effectively. I’m so proud of the fact that my mom voted for Hillary Clinton too! And yeah… I agree with pretty much everything Michael Shannon says. He should run for president. Why not?
Photos courtesy of WENN.