Marc Anthonys ex, who wants $113k/month in child support, claims hes hiding millions

Premiere of 'Cesar Chavez'
As we’ve heard, Marc Anthony’s ex, Dayonara Torres, wants her child support for her two children with Marc, sons Cristian, 13, and Ryan, 10, raised from the $13,000 a month she’s currently receiving to a whopping $113,000 a month. Dayanara’s argument is that Marc makes over a million a month and that his sons should be raised with support staff and in a way that’s consistent with their father’s lifestyle. Marc’s argument is that he doesn’t want to spoil the boys and that a middle class lifestyle builds character, essentially. (Although only in LA would $156k a year be considered middle class.)

Dayanara has been fighting in court for months to try and have her child support raised. As TMZ reports, she won a minor victory of sorts after the judge recently ruled that Anthony needed to submit more complete financial information:

Both Anthony and Torres were in an L.A. County courtroom … where she claimed Anthony hasn’t been honest in disclosing all of his assets — including homes and income. She also says he has no problem shelling out money to other people … claiming he pays $330K a year to support relatives, girlfriends and kids.

Anthony argued he’s so rich it would be too hard to calculate every single dollar he earns. He’s claimed he already pays Torres more than enough to take care of the kids and anything else would “spoil them rotten.”

But the judge wasn’t buying what Marc was selling … and ordered him to submit a complete accounting of his income and expenses by 10 A.M. Tuesday.

As we’ve reported … Torres wants a huge increase in monthly child support — from $13K a month to $113K — saying she can’t give their boys the lavish lifestyle Marc gives them, complete with world travel, private jets and fancy hotels.

[From TMZ]

Torres is asking for $1.35 million a year, which seems excessive of course. It may be a drop in the bucket to Anthony, considering his massive income, and it also may be what he legally owes.

I went to the California child support calculator and ran some numbers. I had no idea what I was doing, but I put in a million dollars in monthly earnings for one parent, 0 for another, with 2 kids that spend 90% of their time with the 0 earning parent. The results were that the richer parent owed $89k a month in child support. (Of course I may have made mistakes in the other fields.) So if Anthony makes $1.25 million a month, the amount Torres is asking for may not be that far off. Plus, Torres has said that Jennifer Lopez gets more child support than she does. I guess Marc figures that those kids are already going to be spoiled so he can’t protect them from becoming drug addicts.

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Premiere Of Pantelion Films And Participant Media's "Cesar Chavez"

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