Look Years Younger Without Surgery Through Celebrity Doctor Simon Ourian, M.D.

Gone are the days of needing extensive surgery and long recovery time to get the results of a facelift. Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione Beverly Hills offers many procedures that will rejuvenate the skins without surgery.

Young skin is filled with collagen and elastin which gives women a glowing and vibrant look. Unfortunately, as women age, the amount of collagen and elastin available continually declines, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. This loss of skin elasticity is inevitable. No matter how much a woman exercises and how strict their diet may be, skin is always the truth teller that cannot be managed. Even more frustrating is that a woman’s face, the first thing anyone looks at, gets hit the hardest with these changes.

It used to be that the only way to combat the results of aging was a facelift. While this procedure is certainly effective, it has a long recovery time and the results may appear artificial and dramatic.

Today there are many non-surgical procedures that get the same results as a facelift with a more subtle and natural appearance – not to mention limited, if any, recovery time.

Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatology Doctor Simon Ourian, M.D. offers several options for facial rejuvenation at Epione Beverly Hills. If you’ve ever been on Instagram, you would already have seen a model or a celebrity posting about his Neustem and Coolaser technique.

What sets Dr. Simon Ourian’s dermal filler offering apart from the rest is that he uses Neustem, an Epione-exclusive filler made from hyaluronic acid, used to blend into the natural structure of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the skin. Dermal fillers can add volume and smooth out the skin’s surface.

Laser skin resurfacing has been around for years, but isn’t really a viable option for everyone—especially not for people of color. Dr. Simon Ourian addresses this concern with another exclusive technology, the Coolaser®. The famous doctor’s laser procedure has had great results with wrinkles, sun spots, melasma, and other signs of aging. Known as the celebrities’ treatment of choice, this procedure allows for tighter, blemish-free skin with minimal social downtime.

Epione Beverly Hills and its founder, Dr. Simon Ourian are always on the cutting edge of beauty. Dr. Simon understands a woman’s desire to remain vibrant and attractive at every age and stage of her life. See @SimanOurianMD1 on Instagram to learn more about the famous doctor and his amazing cosmetic dermatology solutions.
