Lil Ben the Miniature Horse Finds Love In A Lonely Place

Lil Ben the miniature horse struck gold when he trespassed onto his (now) forever families front lawn.

Living a lonely life on a farm, the 18-year-old mini-horse would get bored. No friends, no family, all Benjamin had was an apathetic farmer who didn’t really care about him. So, Lil Ben went off in search of something more in life.

One frigid January day, Lil Ben had escaped his solitary confinment and was jogging up the Collum’s driveway. Connie and Craig caught Ben before he ducked onto the road and called around the neighborhood until they found Ben’s home. Their initial concern was that the owner didn’t seem to keen on coming to collect his horse. They also knew that the January weather was too cold for Ben not to be stabled, like the families own horses – Coco and Derby.

Initially, Lil Ben lived with 20 other mini horses who have all since passed away. The owner of Lil Ben’s farm inherited it from his parents, and doesn’t seem to intend to repopulate it with livestock.

Another two weeks went by before Ben found a new opportunity to escape his isolated pen. Again, he found himself at the Collum’s home. This time though, the Collum’s decided to offer to house the mini horse. They figured they could find Lil Ben a farm with owners who really wanted to have him.

The horses depression has started to lift, he’s found his forever home. The Collum family and their five dogs fell in love with Lil Ben, and the rest goes down in ‘foster fail‘ history.
