As you already know by now, Kanye West was reportedly getting ready to run for the US President. He went on with his plans to run for the U.S. President. Kanye reportedly dropped out of the presidential race after making a big splash near the beginning of the month with his tweets.
Just a couple of days ago, Ye held his first presidential event in South Carolina on Sunday, but had a breakdown that made everyone concerned about his state of mind.
The other day, he also had a massive Twitter meltdown that had fans worried sick and lots of people said that enough is enough and he definitely needs help.
People went crazy in the comments after seeing him go off like that.
Someone said: ‘I just want to know why people keep blaming this man’s actions on Kim and her family. That man is too grown for anyone to be accountable for his actions except his damn self.’
A follower posted this: ‘At least we know Kim tried. Stop blaming Kim for his outbursts and saying she’s not caring for him…’ and one other commenter wrote: ‘It’s not even funny anymore… but uhmmm tell us some more about the Kardashians 👀’
Lots of celebrities are praying for Kanye at the moment as you will see below.
Someone said: ‘Kanye I remember when you came into my restaurant and tipped me $500. You made my day and I want to make yours. When you come back the meals are free for life. Please be safe.’
A follower posted this: ‘All of those Kardashians and not one person is telling him to stop acting like this? Not one is helping him? I dont wanna be famous.’
One hater hopped in the comments to say this: ‘Nope. Not praying for that toxicity. Tired of using his mental illnesses as a cop-out. He is aware of his illness but refuses to do anything about it. He got off his meds intentionally bye.’
Anyway, fans are keeping Kanye and his family lifted up in prayer during these difficult times.