A few days ago, I saw that Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan were heading back to court, years after they filed for divorce, but I figured it was nothing serious. I was wrong – it is serious. The general timeline: Jenna and Channing met circa 2005-06. They married in 2009 and announced their separation in April 2018. They filed for divorce in October 2018. Before now, I never realized that they had yet to finalize everything and that they’re still working out some big issues. It turns out the drama is the money, specifically Channing’s Magic Mike franchise/property. Jenna and Channing are going back to court because Jenna believes that Channing has screwed her out of money, given that he developed Magic Mike while they were married.
Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum are at odds over divvying up Magic Mike earnings nearly six years after their breakup. In recent court filings, the exes called on each other and more to testify as witnesses in their ongoing divorce proceedings, with a new sticking point involving profits from the Magic Mike movies, which Dewan’s lawyers describe as Tatum’s “big break.”
Magic Mike, and the film’s eventual “extremely lucrative” offshoots, were “developed and co-financed by Channing during marriage with community effort and marital funds,” her side argues. Since the original Magic Mike, which Tatum starred in and produced, debuted in theaters in 2012, sequels came out in 2015 and 2023. In addition, a spin-off reality TV series aired in 2021, and a popular live Magic Mike attraction has been staged in Las Vegas.
Dewan, 43, alleges that Tatum, 43, and his associates “created a complex web of LLCs, holding companies, and partnerships” as a way to “dilute and conceal the value of, and licensing income therefrom, the community property share of Magic Mike intellectual property.” Asking for a separate trial to figure out how to accurately divide assets in their divorce, Dewan’s legal team said they aim to prove Tatum allegedly “colluded” to “shelter” Magic Mike income from her.
Tatum adamantly disputes this in his filings, saying he “never denied Petitioner of her share of the community assets or income.”
In response to Dewan’s filing, Tatum’s lawyers lamented that they have yet to reach a divorce settlement after five years and they need to schedule it for trial without a “last-minute” postponement. They say Tatum has “exhausted all efforts in an attempt to settle this matter without litigation.”
While his Magic Mike enterprise began during their marriage, Tatum’s lawyers say he “continued to create and develop [it] since separation.” He “expended extensive efforts since separation towards the enhancement of the Magic Mike intellectual property and related entities, which [Tatum] contends give rise to his separate property interest therein.”
It’s interesting. While I know many will immediately take Dewan’s side – and I’m leaning that way as well – I imagine the argument is that Channing developed Magic Mike because that was his own story of being a stripper in Tampa, and yeah, he continued to develop projects out of that since their split. Jenna’s argument seems to be that since he created Magic Mike while they were married, she owns half of the entire property. I wonder what Channing offered her “in an attempt to settle this matter without litigation.” I wonder if Channing genuinely did collude to shelter this income.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
