Is Oliver Anthony performing at the Super Bowl? Viral article debunked

An article claiming that American musician Oliver Anthony is going to perform at the 2024 Super Bowl has been making rounds on the internet. On August 19, 2023, media outlet SpaceXMania posted an article stating the 31-year-old, along with country singer Jason Aldean, will perform at next year’s Super Bowl halftime show.

Titled Breaking: Jason Aldean and Oliver Anthony to Perform at the Super Bowl Halftime Next Year, the article was written by an author named Alex Bruno and has since garnered 4.8K views.

Screenshot of the viral article claiming Anthony and Aldean will perform at the 2024 Super Bowl halftime.

The article claims that the Super Bowl 2024 halftime performance will see Anthony and Aldean perform as an "unlikely duo" and the announcement was "met with excitement and curiosity."

The two acclaimed artists have reportedly entered the initial stages of planning their highly anticipated performance, which promises to captivate the audience with its striking visuals and profound musicality. Allegedly, Jason Aldean said of his performance:

“We’re not just going to stand up there and play our guitars. We’re going to create a show that tells a story, something that resonates with people and celebrates the spirit of the game.”

No, Oliver Anthony will not perform at 2024 Super Bowl halftime

The viral article claiming that Oliver Anthony, who recently rose to fame for his song Rich Men North of Richmond, will be performing at the 2024 Super Bowl halftime with Jason Aldean is actually a satire piece and is not true. Satire, according to the Cambridge dictionary, is a method of "criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point."

In the viral piece, it is claimed that the news of Aldean and Oliver Anthony has left several fans excited about their performance while speculations have arisen about the possible setlist, guest appearances, and thematic elements of the show.

The Alex Bruno-written article also mentions how fans of country music have begun predicting how Oliver Anthony's blended genre approach will mesh with Jason Aldean's grounded approach.

The satire piece also states that both Anthony and Jason Aldean have expressed their dedication to delivering a power-packed performance at the event. Allegedly, Oliver Anthony said during an interview:

“We want to make a statement with this show. Music has the power to bring people together, and that’s what we aim to do on that stage.”

Moreover, the piece also reports country singer Reba McEntire praising the decision to involve the two singers and allegedly tweeted:

“Can’t wait to see these two talents light up the stage! It’s going to be a show for the ages.”

The viral article comes after Anthony shared that he does not want to be in the spotlight for his music, which he began writing because of his mental health. In a lengthy Facebook post, he wrote:

“People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung.”

As of writing, Oliver Anthony has not responded to the viral, satirical article about him performing at the 2024 Super Bowl halftime.

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