How to fix your posture, in six easy steps

You have to feel sorry for Neanderthals. Not only did we homo sapiens beat them in the evolutionary race to become the dominant species on Earth, but to add insult to injury we have gone on to depict them as slouching, ape-like knuckle-draggers.

They say that history belongs to the victor – so perhaps it's of little surprise that, according to modern research, Neanderthals were actually better than us in a lot of ways. The most complete Neanderthal skeleton ever discovered to date shows that our caveman cousins actually had straighter spines than us, and a sturdier chest with better stability. That's right: the knuckle-draggers had better posture.

Just imagine if the Neanderthals could see our fancy lumbar supporting chairs and wearable posture trainers now. Their laughter would alone would knock us several rungs down the evolutionary ladder.

So, how do we ape our ancestral brethren and stand tall like a Neanderthal? And does it really matter anyway?

“Posture is the way or position in which somebody holds their body when standing or sitting," explains Dr Aaron Plant DC, Senior Chiropractor at Advanced Chiropractic. "Our posture is important because it is linked very closely with our mobility and our body’s overall musculoskeletal function. Poor posture can lead to issues like arthritis, fatigue, jaw pain, headaches and shoulder and back pain.”

Just look at the straight spines on those hunter gatherers, our spines are a mess by comparison Credit: PA

Of course, none of this would matter if we all habitually stood tall – but you probably alredy know that's not the case. “Today a lot of our life is spent sitting both at work and during our social and home lives," says Pilates teacher Lottie Murphy. "Due to the digital revolution we are looking down more than ever and moving less, which is having an affect on our posture. It’s something you may not notice at first but overtime it can have implications on your muscle tone and spinal alignment.”

If that strikes fear into your heart, well, it’s meant to. Those implications can be pretty severe. “Over time if we don’t focus on correct posture, you begin to see people with hunched shoulders, a kyphotic thoracic spine (collapsed deep curve in the upper back) and a stooped forward neck which can become painful and, quite frankly, is not a good look,” says Murphy.

Thankfully, whatever your age and position in life, you can take steps to improve your posture. Here's what a range of postural experts recommend...

1. Be aware

Like most things in life, good posture is something that only comes to the go-getters. You have to want it and know that you want it if you’re to achieve the posture.

“Awareness is everything, so as soon as you start making a conscious effort to improve your posture, you will start to notice a difference,” explains Murphy.

Are you already feeling a bit straighter?

2. Stand up and move around

Basically the simplest and easiest way of ensuring you have better posture is just to walk around. Dr Plant recommends alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day, if you can: “If you have an office job, or a job that requires you to sit down for most of the day, it’s important that you take regular breaks from your desk to relieve some of the pressure.

"Many workplaces now offer standing desks, and if you experience pain through poor posture you should request this through your employer."

3. Lift your head while you’re walking

And while you’re walking around, there’s a really simple thing you can do to keep your back nice and straight, says Tim Allardyce, registered osteopath and chartered physiotherapist at Surrey Physio. “Lift your head while you are walking. Try to keep your eyes on the horizon line. This will help to bring back your head and lift your chest up.”

It's something that Murphy emphasises too: "Focus on looking along the horizon with your head back on top of your shoulders. Feel your shoulder blades wide in your upper back, lengthen your neck, keep your shoulders relaxed and breathe fully into your ribs.”

4. Stretch

A few stretches will go a long way to improving your posture, according to Dr Katie Chimes, a chiropractor at Chiro.London. She always advises patients to do chest and neck stretches and these are way simpler than you might think: 

"For a pectoral stretch, stand next to a wall, straighten your arm against the wall or stand against a corner wall. Then place your arm with your elbow at 90 degrees and stretch through.

"To stretch your neck properly, sit upright (no slouching), turn your head to the side you want to stretch. Place the opposite hand (to the side you're stretching) on the back of your head and pull down in a diagonal direction opposite to the side of stretch."

4.1 Do Pilates

Pilates was literally designed to improve your posture. So, if you have the time and inclination to go beyond the stretches we've just outlined, this is the exercise class for you.

Murphy has dedicated her life to Pilates and knows why it works. “In Pilates we work on aligning the spine correctly, conditioning and balancing your muscles especially across the front of your chest, shoulders, upper back and core.

"Having good posture can also have an effect on how you breathe and ideally we want to be breathing to our full capacity. If we are slumped down this doesn’t allow for the ribs and diaphragm to move freely."

While Pilates will almost certainly improve your posture, the idea of posturing and posing in a gym class isn’t exactly for everyone. Lottie acknowledges this and shares her Pilates routines on YouTube so you can follow her from the privacy of your own home. She recommends her morning Pilates routine (above) as a great way to start each day.

5. Reorganise your desk

This homo sapien might have decent posture, but a Neanderthal would put her to shame

So you’ve had a wander around the office, maybe popped over to Greggs to get a pasty rather than eating in the canteen, your heart is pumping, and you can feel the muscles in your back straightening. Now what?

Well, when you get back to your desk, take a look at the way you sit. Here are Allardyce’s top tips for restructuring your workspace to favour posture:

  • “Lift your screen to position the top 1/3rd of the monitor at eye level – many people have their monitor too low. Buy a screen raiser if you cannot get your screen high enough.
  • "An adjustable ergonomic chair will also help maintain good posture. Basically you need to make sure your hips are higher or level with your knees. Try to position your knee and hip angle at 90 degrees. Ensure the chair is the correct height, and you can slide your knees under the table. Place your elbows at 90 degrees by positioning your keyboard not too far or too close from your body.
  • "Use a document holder to prevent repetitive neck bending."
  • "A hands-free telephone headset can also assist with maintaining good posture at work.”
  • 6. Exercise

    Of course, a quick wander around the office is all well and good, but if you want to see serious results, you’ll have to do serious exercise too, says Plant. “The factors that drive our posture are mobility (our joints and muscles ability to access a full range of motion) and stability (how well we can control our mobility). To improve that we need to make sure that we are regularly moving and accessing that mobility through exercise.

    "This can be accessed through the gym, using exercises like the plank, bridges, pull-ups and chest stretches, but activities like yoga, running outdoors and resistance training also work to help you maintain a functional posture.”

    What are your hacks for perfect posture? We want to hear from you in the comments section below.  

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