How to create a balanced garden

Balance can be hard to define. Although it’s obvious when a garden design is unbalanced, it can be trickier to describe what makes a space feel right. For garden designer and Telegraph judge Bunny Guinness, the key to a balanced garden is contrasting spaces.

“Some of those spaces might be quite intensive and busy, while others are calmer, cleaner and more relaxed. But even in a small garden, you can usually have simpler and busier areas,” says Guinness.

Guinness also believes that balance can be achieved even when the surrounding buildings are not ideal. “Most people’s houses aren’t perfect architecturally; often there’s bits of the house that look a little lopsided or you don’t like, or parts added on that look a little incongruous. As the house is usually the biggest feature in the garden, it is a great starting point to design the garden to correct the flaws and embellish or emphasise the best features. I often use small trees in large baseless pots that are brilliant at diverting the eye from the less desirable parts,” she says. “Through careful planting you can make the house look balanced, and then the whole garden works with the house in harmony.”

Balance is also very important to judge Tony Barkataki, tea quality manager at Yorkshire Gold, because it’s the careful blend of tea leaves from Assam, Rwanda and Kenya that creates the brand’s fresh, balanced flavour. “If you took either boldness or brightness too far in the garden, it could look garish,” he says. “So, in our competition, I’m looking for a balance of these things and how they complement each other.”

Winning formula: make sure the overall shape of your garden is right Credit: Alamy

TV gardener and designer Adam Frost, meanwhile, associates balance with instinct. “When you walk into a garden and think, ‘Yes, this feels right,’ that’s balance,” he explains. “I learned a lot of my trade from just being in gardens, not designing them on paper. You get to understand where the light comes in the morning and how it moves throughout the day; how different things throw shade. All of that adds to the sense of space.”

But both Guinness and Frost agree that some rules are needed to achieve the perfect balance. This includes considering the views from the house itself, and how they balance each other. “At home, if I look out on one side of the kitchen from the window, there’s an eating area with a courtyard and hedges and plants, and from the other side, it’s just countryside with a ha-ha wild meadow and pasture, and cows grazing,” says Guinness. “So you’ve got the contrast between the more intensive and the more restful.”

Perfect balance: Yorkshire Gold has a careful blend of tea leaves from Assam, Rwanda and Kenya

For Frost, gardens are built up in layers. “First, you get your 2D space right by balancing your hard and soft landscaping, and your planting areas. But then that changes into 3D, and you start to balance the look at ground height, head height and beyond. Imagine a 6ft tall fence and a narrow 2ft border in front of it: I’d recommend doubling the width of that border, so that you can introduce taller plants and begin to achieve a sense of balance.

“If you can get the overall shape of the garden right – that is, the size of the lawn or terrace, the width of the borders, and the positioning of the trees and large shrubs,” he says, “then everything else should fall into place. You can always move the small stuff.”

Yorkshire Gold presents… Great British Gardens

In partnership with Yorkshire Gold, the Telegraph is sharing a wealth of expert gardening content so you can make the most of your outdoor space.

With a bold, bright, balanced flavour, Yorkshire Gold is the finest blend of three leaf origins picked from the top 10 tea gardens in the world. Chosen from the very best Assam, Kenyan and Rwandan teas and carefully blended by Yorkshire Gold’s master blender in Yorkshire, it makes a rich, smooth and incredibly satisfying brew.

For more information, visit
