How to build an ice highway in Minecraft

For those who are unaware, ice highways are the fastest way to travel on land in Minecraft. While one can talk about how fast ice highways are, players must experience its speed in-game to truly understand its power. Players looking to travel long distances at an insane pace are highly recommended to build an ice highway or two.

Blue ice highways in particular are able to be built in the nether, which provide a fantastic way to avoid the many dangers that the nether has to offer. Now that players know the benefits of using ice highways, it is time to explain how to build them.

How to create an ice highway in Minecraft

Different types of ice highways

A more efficient example of a blue ice highway. This one is located in the nether (Image via wattles on YouTube)

Minecraft players may be unaware that they can create an ice highway with all of the variants of ice. This excludes frosted ice, which can only be obtained through commands. Players should also keep in mind that boats are used as the means of transportation on these highways.

There are three different types of ice highways, regular ice, packed ice, and blue ice. Regular ice and packed ice highways operate at the same speed, while blue ice will allow the player to move significantly faster. This is due to the fact that blue ice is much harder to acquire than ice or packed ice.

Regular ice highways are not recommended as Minecraft players will have to prevent them from melting.

The specific speeds of these highways will be listed below:

  • Ice: 40 m/s
  • Packed Ice: 40 m/s
  • Blue Ice: 75 m/s

How to build an ice highway

A blue ice highway that is halted by a cactus block, which breaks the boat (Image via Reddit)

Many Minecraft players build their ice highways differently, however some techniques are more efficient than others.

Most players will build a single line with their ice of choice. This will require barricades so that the player does not fall off of the ice, as well as to prevent mobs from entering. Again, blue and packed ice are recommended for these highways as they do not melt.

While a single line of ice certainly works, Minecraft players can maximize their efficiency by skipping a block. This will allow the player to save those precious ice blocks for another highway if desired.

Many Minecraft players place glass panes on the side of their highway, which looks great and provides extra room for the boat to move around. Ice highways are commonly used in the nether for extremely fast travel over lava oceans and other deadly terrain.

If built correctly, the player can place a boat on the highway and hop in. Once they start to move forward the boat will start out slow, but rapidly increase in speed soon after.

Also read: Minecraft Redditor accidently duplicates their bee farm with a glitch

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