Reborn as a Vending Machine ended its first season on Wednesday, September 20, with an illustration announcing the decision to green-light the production of Reborn as a Vending Machine season 2. Ever since the decision was made public, fans have been looking forward to more news about the anime.
The final episode of Reborn as a Vending Machine season 1 saw Boxxo and Lammis together, fighting against the Netherlord. While the Stratum Lord backed away from the fight, he managed to kill Hulemy and Shui. However, Boxxo came in clutch to resuscitate them.
Reborn as a Vending Machine season 2 might see Boxxo and Lammis team up
Expected release date
Reborn as a Vending Machine season 2 can be expected to premiere in the Fall 2024 anime season. Considering that the official Twitter account of Reborn as a Vending Machine anime released an announcement illustration for the second season on the same day the first season ended, fans are assuming that the anime staff has already begun working on it.
The announcement illustration was created by the chief animation director and character designer of the anime, Naoki Yamauchi. Thus, it is to be expected that the staff will not be changing for the second season. If that is the case, fans can expect the anime's second season to be released next year. This is because both Studio Gokumi and AXsiZ anime studios do not have a lot under their belt.
That said, unlike the light novel series, which has released three volumes, the manga series has only released two volumes. Therefore, the source material for the same could end up being the light novel instead of the manga. Fortunately, the series author Hiru Kuma has already completed the story. Hence, fans can expect the entire franchise to be animated by the anime studios.
Where to watch the anime
Reborn as a Vending Machine anime was broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX and other Japanese TV networks such as AT-X and BS NTV. Hence, one can expect the same television networks to air Reborn as a Vending Machine season 2 as well.
Meanwhile, Crunchyroll may again stream the anime worldwide for international viewers.
What to expect from Reborn as a Vending Machine season 2?
Given the developments at the end of the first season, fans can expect Boxxo and Lammis to team up with their friends to take down the demon lord. In doing so, Boxxo may find a way to turn into a human being. If that happens, fans can hope for a romantic development between him and Lammis in Reborn as a Vending Machine season 2.
Elsewhere, Mishuel vowed to win against the Netherlord the next time he would face the stratum lord. Thus, he could train to become stronger. Having teamed up with the Band of Gluttons, fans can expect him to go on more missions.
Lastly, Kerioyl and the Menagerie of Fools might keep continuing their mission to collect stratum coins. If they keep going at it, there is a decent chance for Kerioyl to get his wish granted in the upcoming season.
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