Cottonwood pollen proves pesky for allergy sufferers

BOISE, Idaho (KBOI) -- If seasonal allergies are driving you crazy, you can thank the nice, warm weather we've been having lately.

High temperatures mean high pollen counts and that's what's brought us to this sniffling, sneezing point.

Experts say this season is worse than last year.

"Now as temperatures get a little warmer, allergy season might start a little earlier," said Dr. William Palmer but more importantly we know from studies going way back that pollen counts correlate directly with temperatures."

Tree pollen is the biggest culprit right now, especially Cottonwood tree pollen which is particularly problematic for us since we live in the City of Trees.

"The trees just send out more pollen immediately when the weather's better," said Dr. Palmer.

And as if in some stuffed up science fiction movie, the pollen is invisible as it attacks you.

"You can't see it," Dr. Palmer said. "But that's what's causing problems this time of year."

But allergy sufferers, wait; there's more.

We can look forward to grass pollen in june, and tumbleweed and sagebrush pollen in the fall.
