Complete list of all English voice actors in Atomic Heart

Although Atomic Heart has received fairly mixed reviews from both players and critics, many fans seem to be having a great time with the game's narrative and all of the interesting gameplay elements that the ARPG has to offer.

Several community members are finding the story to be rather engaging with memorable characters who add a good deal of flavor to the futuristic, fictional world of Soviet absurdism.

As players make their way through the underbelly of the fictional utopia that the game's narrative is set in, they come across a wide variety of interesting characters with their own unique backstories.

This has led to many fans being quite curious about these NPCs, and who the actors bringing them to life are. Today’s article will go over the entire English voice-acting cast in Atomic Heart.

Complete English VA cast list of Atomic Heart

Here's a list of all the names who have provided their voices to different characters of Atomic Heart:

  • Adam Simms
  • Alex Jordan
  • Alexander Ballinger
  • Alexander Capon
  • Bill Hope
  • Cherise Silvestri
  • Chris Ragland
  • Dev Joshi
  • Diana Bermudez
  • Elena Saurel
  • Eric Loren
  • Eric Meyers
  • Eric Sigmundsson
  • Eve Karpf
  • Garrick Hagon
  • Glenn Wrage
  • Graham Vick
  • Ian Portez
  • Jay Rincon
  • John Schwab
  • Jules De Jongh
  • Kerry Shale
  • Laurel Lefkow
  • Laurence Bouvard
  • Lewis Macleod
  • Mac Mcdonald
  • Martin T Sherman
  • Meaghan Martin
  • Mike Bodie
  • Peter Brooke
  • Peter Marinker
  • Rachel Atkins
  • Samantha Kamras
  • Shai Matheson
  • Stephanie Cannon
  • Taylor Clarke Hill
  • Vincent Lai
  • William Roberts

Unfortunately, the end credit scene of Atomic Heart end credit scene fails to reveal which actor plays which character in the game. Although players may be aware of the names of the voice actors, it’s quite hard to ascertain who gave their voice to which character in the ARPG.

Atomic Heart takes place in an AI-controlled world of a futuristic Soviet utopia, where players will need to discover the dark underbelly of the world and fight their way through hordes of different enemies.

A standard playthrough of the game will take around 25 hours if players are only focused on completing the narrative without investing too much time in side content and general exploration.

However, for a completionist's run, the game will take somewhere close to 35 to 40 hours to fully finish. Clearly, there's a fair amount of side content and puzzles to complete, including interesting missions that will let the player help restore Dmitry Sechenov’s neural network.

The majority of the side content will contain bonuses that help Major P-3 get more powerful as the narrative progresses. For those playing on the harder difficulties, it’s highly recommended that they invest as much time as possible in exploration and side content.

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