Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator

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For an angle of 130°

Find the complementary angle
Find the supplementary angle

Calculate the complementary angle of 130°

Since the angle you entered is greater than or equal to 90°, this angle has no complement

Calculate the supplementary angle of 130°

Supplementary Angle = 180 - θ

Supplementary Angle = 180 - 130°

Supplementary Angle = 50°

Final Answer

Complementary Angle = °
Supplementary Angle = 50°

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Complementary Angle = °
Supplementary Angle = 50°

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What is the Answer?

Complementary Angle = °
Supplementary Angle = 50°

How does the Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator work?

Free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator - This calculator determines the complementary and supplementary angle of a given angle that you enter OR it checks to see if two angles that you enter are complementary or supplementary.
This calculator has 3 inputs.

What 2 formulas are used for the Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator?

IF an angle is less than 90°, then the complementary angle is 90 - θ
IF an angle is less than 1800°, then the supplementary angle is 180 - θ

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 4 concepts are covered in the Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator?

anglethe figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. complementary and supplementary anglescomplementary angleTwo angles are complementary angles if the sum of their measures is equal to 90°supplementary angle

Example calculations for the Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator

Complementary and Supplementary Angles Calculator Video


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