Chicago PD Fall Finale Recap 12/6/17: Season 5 Episode 9 Monster

Chicago PD Fall Finale Recap 12/6/17: Season 5 Episode 9 "Monster"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, December 6, 2017, season 5 episode 9 Fall Finale called, “Politics,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. On tonight’s Chicago PD episode as per the NBC synopsis, “The death of a judge’s daughter puts Intelligence on the track of a pill mill spreading into the suburbs of Chicago and the doctor enabling it. Meanwhile, Voight discovers who’s been leaking information from the 21st.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago PD begins tonight with Adam Rusek (Patrick John Flueger) meeting with Denny Woods (Mykelti Williamson) who praises him for being good at catching bad guys, yet continues to work next to one of the worse men in Chicago. Rusek reminds him that he gave him the video of Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) crossing the line, but Woods tells him he wanted something on Sgt. Hank Voight (Jason Beghe), that is actionable. Rusek refuses but Woods says he will, threatening that if he doesn’t, his sister will go to jail and his nephew will have to learn all the names of his new foster brothers; lastly, Rusek, not Voight, will be the poster boy for corrupt police. He gives him 24-hours.

Halstead wakes up to a call from Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridakos), he lies to Camila Vega (Anabelle Acosta), who wakes up as he is getting dressed. She tries to entice him back to bed but “Ryan” assures her he will be seeing her again that night.

Hailey is at a little girls’ soccer game, talking about moving to the neighborhood and her daughter joining the team. She leans into one of the mothers named Julianne, who she has gotten close to and asks about being “hooked” with some pain meds for her back. After she feels she can trust Hailey, she asks another mother to bring her children home from the game and takes Hailey with her; she gives her the money and exits the car. Jay is inside the store where Julianne goes into the restroom after he hears some noise, he opens the door and sees that she is gone.

Jay and Hailey sit outside Julianne’s home, talking about busting her in front of her children. Hailey reminds him this isn’t small potatoes as there have been 17 overdoses in the area in the last month. Julianne’s kids run screaming from the house, saying their mom can’t breath; Jay calls for a bus saying they have an overdose. Hailey stays with the mom as Jay takes the children outside.

Once Voight arrives, they inform him that she stole the money to get her own fix before her kids got home; he tells them to dump her phone as she must have tried to reach her dealer first. Denny Woods arrives on the scene, informing him that the victim is the daughter of the Honorable Judge Wells and now he owns the case and since she is the daughter of a white judge, the opioid crisis is finally going to hit the front page of the Tribune.

Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) arrives at the precinct and informs Adam that her relationship is broken, but he reminds her that she did the right thing, even though it sucks. Upstairs the Intelligence Unit (IU) is brought up to speed on Julianne Hudson (Wells) death; she had no idea she was the Judge’s daughter and only knew she was a small time dealer and were flipping her to get the bigger fish.

Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) says he spoke to his CI who says this is not the Cartel, but a new player. Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) shares that they dumped Julianne’s phone and the last call she made was to Vance Williams, and it was 32 seconds long; Rusek says 6 of the 17 ODs also made calls to this Vance. Voight tells Kevin and Rusek to talk to him, reminding everyone this may be new turf, but it is the same game. Before everyone leaves, he reveals that before Tommy Wells was a Judge, he was a cop and he went to the Academy together with Voight. He wants them to “do him right!”

Voight goes to see Tommy Wells, who talks about how Julianne became a drug addict, hooked on pain meds. He wishes he could offer up a name or something but the deeper Julianne got into the drugs, the further she isolated herself. He says the doctors and medical help was what did it, and called it “medicine” saying they released this monster on themselves. He cries that Julianne was his little girl and Voight informs him that he lost his son a few years ago, the pain never goes away but there is some consolation when justice is done; promising to do everything they can.

Kim goes undercover at a bar, shares a drink with the bartender, Vance, who says after what happened with the Judge’s daughter, supply is running low but he has a recreational stash. He says he will be free in 10 minutes, she smiles and grabs his arm, saying he won’t be. He calls her a “bitch” as he gets arrested. Antonio makes sure she is okay. In interrogation, Voight and Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) inform him they are happy to “go with him,” meaning he will take the full ride for the homicide charge if he doesn’t tell them who the supplier is. Vance wants a deal.

Vance Williams and his attorney (Jesse Bob Harper) meet with ADA Anna Valdez (Monica Barbaro) who want full immunity and temporary release for his cooperation. Anna looks at Voight, saying they have him with intent to distribute, selling to an undercover police officer and he wants to release him? She refuses but as she stands Judges Wells walks in the room saying the opioid addiction is killing our country and if they need to make some unsavory deals to save it, so be it. Anna gives them 24 hours and partial immunity.

Kevin and Rusek are outside when Kim and Antonio arrive, Vance’s monitor shows that he is at home, but they had received a warning about Frank Barrett. Kim and Antonio go to the back of the house and find the back door open at Vance’s house and when they go inside, they find him on the ground with a bullet wound to the head. Kim tells Kevin they found him, and it isn’t good. In the morning, Hailey tells Voight, it was a forced entry at the rear. The time of death was around 11:30, it was a single gunshot, there is a single shoe print in the dirt that is a size 11 but Vance was a size 9. Inside the house, Olinsky tells Voight it was a kill shot to the head, done at close range; Rusek agrees, saying it was professional hit as Voight tells them to check the neighborhood for surveillance.

Kevin says there is at least 20K in a shoe box on the floor, Voight puts it in his pocket as Rusek offers to do the voucher for it. Burgess comes in, saying they found something; she and Antonio show him burnt prescription bottles that were all written out by a Dr. Lewis Macy. He tells them to get the bottles and ashes over to the lab to see if they can find more names and go talk to this Dr. Macy.

Antonio and Burgess meet with Dr. Macy who says he doesn’t prescribe opioids often as that’s a “slippery slope.” He explains the bottles easily by revealing that his office was broken into about 6 months ago, stealing his computer, petty cash and prescription pads. He did report it as well as some other doctors. He denies knowing anyone named Frank Barrett and dismisses them when a patient arrives.

Kim tells the IU about Dr. Macy’s life and there is no apparent connection to Vance Williams. His alibi checks out and he did file a burglary report 6 months ago. He is also a size 9, so doesn’t match the print at the crime scene either. Kevin says there are 8 Frank Barretts in Chicago but his money is on the one who runs the bar named “Blazes;” Vance Williams used to work there and two names on the prescription bottles are associated with that bar.

Hailey and Jay confront Frank Barrett who says it was tragic what happened to Vance, but he had nothing to do with it, he excuses himself. Jay and Hailey decide to go to the bar to check out his alibi. Meanwhile, Voight learns that Frank made a shocking phone call 30 seconds after leaving Hailey and Jay at his front door.

Antonio and Burgess knock on the door and Andrea Scott (Kaley Ronayne) opens the door, and it is clear she is very high. Kim goes down the stairs and they find Dr. Macy laying in his boxers; he stands up, and after being confronted with the knowledge that Frank Barrett called him; he reveals that Frank is his cousin. At the precinct, Rusek asks Sgt. Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) for the folder, asking if there was any money listed into evidence, but there is nothing on the list.

Voight comes down, telling them to put Dr. Macy and his girlfriend in separate rooms; Rusek says he is just doing the case report and Voight doesn’t think twice about it. Once upstairs, Rusek takes off his body cam and watches Voight place the money into his pocket, shaking his head and placing his face in his hand.

Antonio and Voight confront Dr. Macy on his lies, he swears that Frank Barrett isn’t a drug dealer but Voight says he is connected to two murders, including the death of a Judge’s daughter. He believes Frank got him into all this, and they need him to wear a wire to put this all on Frank; he refuses to do it, insisting they stole his prescription pads. In the other room, Jay and Hailey question Andrea, offering her help with the addiction; saying the sooner she tells them the truth, the sooner she can go. They all feel that she is his downfall, and they can use her to squeeze him as hard as they can.

Outside, Rusek runs into Denny in the parking lot, who reminds him that he has 4 hours. Denny Woods is certain that Voight has taken the money but Rusek says he needs more time to plant it. He reminds him that by 6 pm tomorrow he brings him the cash or proof that Voight took it.

Andrea buys drugs the minute she is released from custody; Jay and Hailey stop her before she has a chance to inject herself, even though she begs them to leave her alone. Rusek meets with a lawyer friend, explaining his situation as a third person scenario. She explains that they are looking at a 5-year prison sentence, as everyone wants to bury a cop these days.

Voight and Halstead talk to Dr. Macy, saying Andrea can go to rehab if he would just start cooperating. Voight reminds him that his cousin, Frank is a drug pusher who has killed at least one man that they know of and the options are he can either save his cousin or he can save Andrea. He explains how he got a loan from Frank for his divorce but couldn’t pay it back and that is how Frank was able to get the prescriptions and Lewis were never able to get away from that. Voight promises if he gives him Frank, Andrea walks.

Rusek sets Dr. Macy’s phone up for the operative, he has a lot of nerves, feeling this is wrong. Rusek tells him that sometimes, two wrongs do make a right. Voight and Olinsky are at one side of the park while Jay and Hailey are together taking photos at another part. Frank runs into Dr. Macy, they talk together when Frank suggests they go for a walk. Frank denies knowing anything about Vance, as they walk towards the bridge that Kevin and Rusek are standing on, Frank says it is odd that he would say “Vance” as he never said his name before. Frank thinks the cops “flipped” Lewis, who chases after him into the tunnel, he tells him if he thinks Lewis went to the cops he would shove the gun…. Voight orders his people to move in as a shot is fired.

Dr. Macy is down, shot in the shoulders. Kim has eyes on Frank but there are too many civilians so Voight orders an apprehension incident. She jumps on the bus after him, leaving all her colleagues behind and sits on a bus full of children as both her and Frank have their hands on their guns. Voight gets on the bus and continues eye contact with Frank as he reaches for his gun; Kim leaps up and puts her gun to his cheek ordering him to be “nice and easy!” as Voight smiles at him.

Voight informs Frank of all the charges they have on him, thanks to his cousin flipping on him. Frank wants his lawyer as Voight says this is murder. Frank admits he has to do with the pills but not the murder. Voight keeps him talking, when he says he didn’t kill Vance, he went to meet a Dr. Daniel Furlough to see if he wanted to go in business; he met him at the Ambassador Hotel. Voight asks what else he lied about?

Rusek meets with Denny Woods, saying he has thought a lot about the situation and has come to a conclusion. He tells Denny to go screw himself; saying it felt good saying that too. Denny asks him about his family and Rusek tells him that Hank Voight IS his family, in fact, they are all his family and he isn’t going to give him up for the likes of Denny! When Woods says that isn’t a bridge he wants to burn, Rusek says its a bridge he wants to blow up!! He turns to Woods and says the only reason he wants to get Voight so bad is that he realizes he isn’t half the man Voight is and never will be. Woods applauds him and tells him to enjoy his last day as a cop; Adam Rusek says he will and drives off.

Voight comes to see Judge Tommy Wells, informing him they busted Frank Barrett. He thanks, Hank, saying there is some comfort in that. He sees Wells cap, and they talk about some memories. Wells says he lost his service revolver, saying one day it was gone; Voight says that was too bad because there was special ammunition for those guns. He thinks of it because they got the ballistics back from Vance Williams’ murder and he was killed by a 38 caliber hollow point, the same ammo they used in their service revolvers and the thing is, only cops have those bullets and they stopped making them in 1994; which is the same year he stopped being a policeman.

Hank asks if Tommy is a size 11, and that Frank’s alibi checks out. He reminds Tommy that he knows what he is capable of and knows what its like to look into the eyes of the person who killed your child. Tommy says if he looks closely he won’t find any physical evidence to tie him to the murder; places his hand on Hank’s shoulder and tells him if he tries to make a case, he has been a Judge and cop in this town for 30 years, he has enough friends that make an army. Hank says he knows what happened and that it doesn’t feel as good as he thought it would, does it? Voight tells him he needs something.

Rusek looks at a photo in his locker of him, Jay Halstead and Alvin Olinsky in their blues; when he closes the locker he sees Olinsky who has to go see a CI, he says he could use him for backup, like the old days. As they drive, they talk about how Rusek has always been like a son to him; Rusek grows concerned when they don’t go to the place where Olinsky said they were going. They arrive at an abandoned lot, where Olinsky tells him the CI is in the black SUV in front of them.

Olinsky gets out of the car, as insecure Rusek demands to know who they are meeting, suddenly he sees it is Hank Voight.

