Arnold Schwarzeneggers secret 13 year-old son didnt know that Arnold was his dad

The NY Post has a piece that brings a sad sense of reality to the Arnold Schwarzenegger secret kid scandal. Apparently Arnold’s 13 year-old son had no idea that Arnold was his father, and used to call his mom’s boyfriend “dad.” Members of the woman’s family didn’t even know that her son was Arnold’s, including her sister and mother, who both worked for Arnold too. Like so many other women in his orbit, Arnold is said to have groped those two employees, but they just put up with it and aren’t thought to have put out like the maid who secretly had his son.

Maria Shriver wasn’t the only person kept in the dark about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child — the boy himself never knew his father was the Terminator.

Arnold baby mama Mildred “Patty” Baena never told the child — now 13 — that the “True Lies” star was his dad, even though Arnold showered him with gifts and put a down payment on his family’s home, a source close to Baena’s family said.

The boy’s Bakersfield neighbors said he would even refer to Baena’s current beau, Alex Aguiar, as his dad.
“He had no idea” about the truth, the source said.

The “Kindergarten Cop” star was forced to humiliatingly admit to fathering a child out of wedlock this week. Before then, Baena’s close family didn’t even know who the boy’s dad was, including her sister, Miriam Peña.

The family’s lack of knowledge was especially shocking since both Peña and Baena’s mother, Evelyn Peña, 76, also worked for Arnold. Miriam’s family says she still works for Arnold, even after the revelations.

The baby mama’s family is mostly upset with Patty — and feels sympathy not for her, but for Shriver.

“Maria would always make sure to help us, even with little things, gifts, Christmas stuff, things like that, and now we end up making her go through this crap because of Patty. It’s not cool,” the family source said. “The family is not happy with Patty right now because she never told us or warned us and now we have to deal with all this attention.”

Most relatives presume the boy now knows the truth, but they are not sure what Baena has told the boy about his parentage since this week’s stunning news broke…

Meanwhile yesterday, sources close to Baena’s family told The London Sun that Arnold also groped the mother and sister of his love child’s mom while they were working for him.

“He would touch all their backsides while they were doing the housework,” the sources claimed to the paper. “He flirted with all of them, even the mother.”

[From The NY Post]

That’s incredibly sad if this kid had to learn about through the press. I hope his mom told him ahead of time and prepared him for it. The woman and her son have not returned to the home that Arnold helped purchase for them with a down payment last year. They’ve stayed out of sight since the scandal broke.

A friend of mine was telling me that Maria issued a statement that she wasn’t “bred to look the other way,” but my friend was sort-of wrong because that’s what Maria said to Oprah Winfrey back in 2003 when Arnie was running for governor and was trying to dodge all the rumors that he was a womanizing bastard who groped women. Whatever Maria knew about Arnold’s cheating over the years, she’s said to have been “completely betrayed” to learn that he’d fathered the maid’s son. E!’s Ted Casablanca has some quotes from a “source” close to Maria who says that what he did to her is unforgivable, particularly since she put her career on hold and vouched her him during his campaign. “She got him elected, remember? Unless Maria stood by that man’s side and played the good wife. I guarantee you he would not have been elected. There were too many questions about him.”

Maria has hired a divorce attorney and she’s been spotted out without her wedding ring. It looks like she’s ready to divorce Arnold and move on. Meanwhile he has put all his pending movie projects on hold, and that “Governator” animated series and comic book he had planned has been scrapped too. The idea of a governor with a secret double life was looking pretty ironic in light of this scandal.

Here are Arnold and Maria in 1982 and at their wedding in 1986. They’re also shown out in February of this year. Credit: Fame



