Album Review: RJ Thompson's "Echo Chamber"

Singer and songwriter RJ Thompson is definitely no stranger to us here at CelebMix. Over the last few months, we have been front and centre for all of his big releases including an amazing cover song, his newest single, and there’s been a couple of exclusive interviews thrown in the mix too. Now, we’re super excited to introduce you to his new album, “Echo Chamber,” which we seriously love.

"Echo Chamber" (RJ Thompson)

The brand new nine-song album which shares a name with its title track, “Echo Chamber,” is RJ’s soulful, funky, raw nod to everything that he has experienced over the last twelve months or so. Every song on the album is different to the one previous and just like each track holds a different significance to RJ, each song makes us feel a different emotion.

So here is our track-by-track review of, “Echo Chamber,” by RJ Thompson:

Echo Chamber
The title track on this album is an ear-pleaser to say the least. It is a brilliant song for RJ to begin with as it really anchors the direction of the whole album. When we first heard it we had to check that we were playing the right album because it sounded so much like something from Phil Collins’ earlier years but it wasn’t. It was just RJ Thompson in all of his funky glory and we seriously love it.

The electronic-pop production of, “Echo Chamber,” is amazing and if that doesn’t get your feet tapping then the big euphoric chorus at the end certainly will.

Blackout Windows
The second track on this album follows the funky and very retro vibe of the previous song but with a less electronic-pop feel to it, you can really hear the smooth tone in RJ’s vocals as he croons which we definitely won’t complain about!

We said it when we first wrote about the release of this song a few months ago and we’ll say it again now. We love, “London,” so much. The track begins with cool guitar sounds which filter into a steady beat to give off a more pop-rock vibe which is far less retro and nostalgic than the two previous songs. The beat is super catchy and addictive, but what really sets this song apart from the rest is the meaning behind it.

RJ wrote, “London,” after all of the events that have unfolded over the last twelve months or so. In the song, he attempts to rationalise everything that has gone on in the world. He wrote it for anyone who has ever felt isolated or discriminated against, and ultimately for anyone who just needs a little bit of hope to hold on to.

This sense of hope is reflected in the line, “I’m not afraid of the dark,” which RJ repeats a number of times on the track and overall, we think it definitely achieves its purpose as the perfect anthem for anyone who is struggling or who just needs a pick-me-up.

Think About You
“Think About You,” is totally one of the stand-out songs on this album. After starting with the sound of RJ’s isolated and distinctive vocals, a steady beat kicks in to give the song a funk factor. It is such a catchy song, as a contrast to the more serious meaning behind it of which RJ apologises to someone and then shows his determination to win them back.

And while the repetition in the chorus could simply be so that it catches the listener’s ear, we think it has more to do with how he can’t get whoever this special someone is out of his mind. The chorus keeps coming back around, just like RJ keeps coming back around to her and nothing can deter him from trying to get her back.

We just love the way this track is set-up from beginning to end and overall, it probably has the best lyrics out of all of the tracks on, “Echo Chamber,” which is an amazing testament to RJ’s ability as a songwriter.

The Girl and The Gunman
“The Girl and The Gunman,” which is RJ Thompson’s most recent single is the funk-tinged track we never knew we needed. In keeping with the rest of the album, this song is heavy on electronic sounds which provide a very retro and nostalgic vibe but the old-school feel of it definitely doesn’t distract us from the sound of RJ’s smooth and raw vocals in it.

As one of the most upbeat songs on, “Echo Chamber,” it is definitely one of our favourites and we can’t wait to finish writing this review so that we can go and listen to it again.

Skimming Stones
This song is undoubtedly one of the most relaxing songs we’ve ever heard. It begins with a sweet melody which sets the track up perfectly for RJ’s distinctive vocals and we can definitely see ourselves playing it over the summer months while we’re lounging beside the pool and topping up our tan!

Do It Alone
In contrast to, “Skimming Stones,” this track sounds very funky and it is the perfect song to tap your feet and bob your head to. And if we didn’t love, “Do It Alone,” already then we certainly did as soon as we heard the saxophone. The surprising sound added to the cool vibe of the track, both tying it in with the general theme of the album and setting it apart from every other song on the album at the same time.

Oh, and the epic electric guitar solo about halfway through the song is absolutely perfect.

“Speakeasy,” is another stand-out track on the album. As a whole this song reflects RJ’s attempts to always think outside of the box and to be different than every other artist in the charts today. It has a more country feel to it than any other song on the album and we don’t think it would sound out of place playing in a restaurant in Nashville or somewhere.

Lie Close To Me
The final song on, “Echo Chamber,” is another one of our favourites. We know we’ve said that a lot but it’s true. “Lie Close To Me,” is an incredible ballad which allows RJ’s unique vocals to take centre stage. You can actually feel all of the raw emotion in RJ’s voice as he croons and the raw passion behind his words is especially evident in the chorus which we still can’t get out of our heads.

“Lie Close To Me,” leaves the listener with a great lasting impression and it also paves the way for RJ’s next steps, which we know are going to be amazing if this album is anything to go by.

Don’t forget to pick up a copy of, “Echo Chamber,” on 17th November when it is released worldwide across all of the usual platforms, and if you pre-order a copy directly from RJ’s official site then he will personally sign it for you. How cool is that?! We’ll take ten copies!

Click here to find out how you can pre-order your copy.

Are you planning on pre-ordering or buying Echo Chamber when it gets released? Let us know on Twitter at, @CelebMix.
